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Hey Allah, forgive us.

Some banned activities: -

⭕ Standing on top of the chest
Locked down,
Because the devil lies in such a way. Sahih
⭕ eat or drink in the left hand
Because the devil eats the left hand. Riyadhus
⭕ The animal bone isted
Forbidden, because the name of Allah is slaughtered
Animal bones are the ones that throw away
Gives, it is the food of the Muslim jinns. Sahih Bukhari.

⭕ Outside the kids in the evening
The Prophet (pbuh) has forbidden to let him and the door of the house to keep the window closed, because the jinn came out.

⭕ Shaytan jinara air while giving Azan
To flee, flee from the locality. And when the dogs and donkeys see the devil jinns, they shout. For this reason, the dogs started screaming at the time when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) repeated the call of the Prophet. Because the dogs see the Adhan and the devil who is fleeing sees the jinn. It is worth mentioning that in the night the dogs and donkeys heard "Aujubillahi .... Rajim"
To escape from the devil, he has to seek refuge in Allah.

- Sahih Bukhari, Hisan Muslim.

⭕ cock of God's grace
The angels can see them, because of that
"The god of life"
As-Asuka Ming Fazlika "This is Dua
To seek the favor of Allah. Hisan Muslim.

⭕ Push in the bath
No ..
________ Al-Hadith (Ibn Majah

⭕ To the left or to the opposite
Piss, can not be litter.
_________ Sahih Bukhari: 395

⭕ Shoot the arrow or arrow keys
For animals use
can not be done..
_________ Muslim: 5167

⭕ Jews, Christians and polytheists
Nobody can be married.
_________ Al Quran

জন্য Haram for Sajjuju's wife to move in front of someone other than husband.
_________ Al Quran,
(Ahazab 33)

⭕ Buying, selling, keeping watches
Haram ..
_________ Al Qur'an (Maidah
90, Ibrahim 35)

লে Hurt in the face
can not be done..
________ Muslim: 6821

Even if cloth is clogged
The place of someone's secret organs
Can not be looked at ..
________ Muslim 794

⭕ In the name of anyone other than Allah
Can not be sworn. Father's grandfather's name,
Somebody's hayat, mosque or Qur'an's
Swear by the name, take it on the head
The truth can not be expressed.
___________ Abu Dawud 3250
Nasai: 3778.

⭕ No animal is burnt to the fire
Will not die ..
_________ Abu Daud 2677

⭕ After the last trial on the Day of Resurrection
Allah will give the dwellers of Paradise to hell, and will burn the inmates of hell. Then Allah will dwell among the people of Paradise and the people of Hell
Call and say, this way you
Look at. Then the heaven and hell
By showing a white dome in the middle
Allah will say, this is the dumata
Death. Then the ebony will be slaughtered.
Thus, the dumplomani slaughtered dying
Allah will kill death.

Then he will say, there will be no more death since today. Therefore, those who go to Paradise will remain in Paradise forever. And those who go to hell will be punished forever.
There will be conflicts and misery. Because of this announcement to kill the death of two people, the people will be more happy because their happiness will never end. And this announcement will come with greater danger and sorrow for the people of Hell. Because the fire burns in the fire or the painful punishment, no one will ever die. There will be eternal punishment for eternity.

⭕ God protects us all from the hell of the hell, Amin.

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