Run Fast.Cook Fast. Eat Slow.
Run Fast.Cook Fast. Eat Slow.
Authors: Shalane Flanagan & Elyse Kopecky
Publisher: Rodale
Price: RM112.90
Price: RM112.90
Written by competitive marathon runners Shalane Flanagan (an Olympian and the first US woman to win the NYC Marathon in 40 years) and Elyse Kopecky (an athlete who studied culinary nutrition), this follow-up to the duo’s New York Times bestselling debut is a boon for serious athletes looking for meals to help balance their energy demands and dietary requirements.
The book goes a long way towards dispelling the myth that fat is bad for you – in fact, Flanagan and Kopecky even argue that butter may be better for athletes than kale! Much of this is backed up by their personal experience – Kopecky suffered from athletic amenorrhoea (the absence of menstruation) for 15 years before overhauling her diet. This led to the return of her periods and the birth of her two children.
And whatever you might think about athletes and their healthy diets – the recipes in this book look pretty enticing. From chicken cannellini soup to turkey trot meatballs, miso fast greens and savoury pretzel granola, there’s a lot to stir the appetite and ignite your athletic spirit.
Admittedly, there is still a wholesome slant to all the meals in the book, but if you’re looking to get to get fit and keep up with these two women, you’ll want to try these recipes.
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